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0 Follower 198 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sumit Bara Plan, work, chase, achieve. Simple.

Guide-Level 12

Don't know about DTU. But you'll surely get a NIT.
0 Follower 53 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Lalit choudhary Current Student- DTU, Delhi

Guide-Level 15

sorry u r not even eligible for counseling in dtu
coz u haven't clear the jee mains exam at all
if u r from reserved categories like ine from Sc/St u may definetly get admitted to one of the branch in dtu
pls upvote
0 Follower 113 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
rati c

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Lucky,
Kindly refer the below mentioned JEE college predictor tool :
Hope this information helps. Please feel free to revert.
All the best.
0 Follower 121 Views

Vishal Gautam A passionate software engineer

Contributor-Level 7

Hi pavan singh, the branches that you have mentioned are pretty extreme. CS is offered to the topmost ranker, while automobile is for those who don't have that good rank. Based on your marks, I don't think you will get CS but you might just ge
0 Follower 132 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
abhishek kumar Singh worked at senior design project manager inTCS

Guide-Level 11

In case you feel satisfied with the answer, please rate this answer by pressing the thumbs up icon or choosing it as a best answer.
Do visit shiksha again.
0 Follower 64 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant

Scholar-Level 18

Admission to DTU is based on JEE Mains entrance exam ranking.
0 Follower 83 Views

Vishal Gautam A passionate software engineer

Contributor-Level 7

Hi Rajan, although the colleges don't reveal the actual numbers by themselves, the students have themselves calculated and the average package was something around 10 lakhs. Several students were offered multiple jobs. The job offer was more t
0 Follower 53 Views

Vishal Gautam A passionate software engineer

Contributor-Level 7

Hi Ashutosh , you will get something around 160000 in JEE Mains. If you are from delhi region then you will most probably get ECE and other branches but not CS. But if you are from outside delhi then you will not get any branch.PLEASE UPVOTE T
0 Follower 130 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Anmol Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Ashish, 60 and above percentage in graduation fulfill the eligibility criteria.
0 Follower 79 Views

Vishal Gautam A passionate software engineer

Contributor-Level 7

Hi Rahul , first of all you need to give me the state of your eligibility and category of reservation. But if I assume that you are from outside delhi and from general category then you will not get any branches in DTU. If you belong to some o