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0 Follower 40 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

IIITs are better in terms of CSE.
0 Follower 102 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

Yes IIITs are better in terms of CS.
0 Follower 29 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

DTU is a institute of National importance so yes it's better.
0 Follower 17 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

IIIT Jabalpur CSE is great and you can also get great opportunities there just for the placement you have to work hard on your coding skills.
0 Follower 81 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

Just make a NCL Certificate of it through any court in Delhi.
0 Follower 1 View

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

Wait for Maharashtra all India cap up round.
0 Follower 9 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

You can get a decent branch in DTU /NSUT/IIITD.
0 Follower 50 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

DTU Biotech /Chemical/ Production/ SE/Mechanical/ Mathematics and computing.
0 Follower 6 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

No probably not you won't get a seat in IIITD.
0 Follower 22 Views

Ashish Pal DTU student trying to solve Public Problems!

Contributor-Level 8

Yes you can do Biotechnology from DTU even if you don't have Biology in 12th.