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0 Follower 239 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Nandini Kumari, considering your category and the percentile that you have obtained I'm sure that you will get admission in you are desired college and in you were desired branch. However I would like to advise you to download the colleg
1 Follower 2 Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Hi. Confirmation Schedule with Important Dates
Opening of the website for online enlistment: 09.06.2021. Last date for online enlistment: 07.07.2021. Display of rundown of qualified contender for the first round on DTU site: 12.07.2021.
1 round
0 Follower 35 Views

Niharika Singh

Guide-Level 15

Hi, Choosing a university is a big decision and a challenging task, as our career depends upon that. Both the universities are doing equally well, but here, I would prefer LPU. There are several reasons for the same. In a very short period, LP
0 Follower 24 Views


Contributor-Level 6

At CU, first year is more of compulsory courses on micro, macro, stats and Maths while in second year, there are non-maths courses from which you can opt for. So, You can survive (happily/unhappily depends on u) without Maths background. At IS
0 Follower 175 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Your JEE Main rank should below 1500 for the asked course at DTU for out side Delhi region for general category.
0 Follower 61 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Kishan Arya, I am attaching a link that will give you all the required information about different aspects of admission in DTU. However to get a hang of possibility of admission I would advise you to download college predictors available
0 Follower 1.7k Views

Sangya Kumari

Contributor-Level 6

Well I would like to say that Chandigarh University is the best University for each and every discipline that it provides. Chandigarh University (CU) is a leading Indian Institution offering its students a unique amalgamation of professional a