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0 Follower 60 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Krishna,
The cutoff rank is top 52 for General Category in Gujarat. Which means around top 4000 in India.
Thank you.
0 Follower 156 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Yash.
Last year the cutoff was 95 percentiles. So if you have above 93 per. Then even you have a good chance. I think the chances are 50%.
Thank you.
0 Follower 51 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pallavi Choudhury Former HR, Oracle

Guide-Level 14

Dear Virat, getting a degree from the country will be recommended depending on your competency level particularly if you don't have prior work experience. You may refer to leading job portals of NZ for various openings and requirements. Bes
0 Follower 64 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Umang Patel

Contributor-Level 8

Congratulations on scoring 50 marks in CMAT. Your admission to BKSBM depends upon the category under which you apply. For general category, you need to have at least 180 score. So if you are from general category then I am sorry to say that
0 Follower 71 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Vikas,
As per the last year, the chances are 50-50%. As it was close to your score. So All The Best.
Thank you.
0 Follower 254 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
aasif makandar going to b know d world what is actually...

Contributor-Level 9

if u have really avrage to ur subject den stay continue it will b show u diffr nowday evry1 going for mba aft degree so stil with urs
0 Follower 33 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Vinit,
Almost all the students gets placed every year. The highest Placement goes upto 6.3 lac per annum. You can also do one thing. You can go for leave without pay from TCS for MBA. We have some cases for the same in our college. That wo
0 Follower 65 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Karan,
Yes it would. But not that much or in a much positive way. As the companies come for Finance or even marketing given an edge to the experienced people, but it doesn't happen much that they would provide you with the higher package.
0 Follower 107 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Vinayak,
Many good companies asks for throughout 60% from 12th. So, ot won't matter if your graduation score is above 60. You'll be able to appear in all companies if you score 60% in MBA also. If your score is below 60%, then you wont be
0 Follower 66 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Manash,
You should have done either 12th or Graduation from Gujarat, only then you can apply.
Thank you.