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0 Follower 210 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shivam Chhirolya

Scholar-Level 17

Yes, you can pursue B.Ed after completing BBA from IPU. You need to be a graduate to pursue B.Ed.
0 Follower 40 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Please refer to the link provided below for details regarding admission guidelines to be followed for B.Tech. (Lateral Entry) at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. You can also check for your eligibility to pursue this course from the
0 Follower 87 Views

Vikash Jain

Guide-Level 14

No, it is not possible to join B.Tech in biotechnology after completion of your Diploma course in ECE.
Eligibility criteria to get admission for pursuing B.Tech course, you should have passed Diploma in life sciences or biotechnology or 12th st
0 Follower 43 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

B.Sc. LL.B. is not available in IP University. There are other courses which are mentioned at the link provided below. Please refer to the link provided below for a list of all courses available from University School of Law and Legal Studies
0 Follower 86 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

LEET 2018 Exam Date:
LEET 2018 is scheduled tentatively for June 2018. The table indicates the tentative important dates for LEET 2018.
Availability of LEET Application Form online- April 2008
LEET Application Form submission deadline- May 2018
0 Follower 53 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

You can buy any book for the entrance purposes, as different universities have different way of conducting their exams. But still, if you wish to buy something buy Arihant publication book for MA preparation.
0 Follower 35 Views


Guide-Level 12

The fee is 37.7K per year for BBA in Indraprastha University.
0 Follower 144 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is not a private university. It is a state university, which means it is funded by the state, and is established under the state act, and is eligible to grant degrees to its students.
2 Followers 110 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Rajeev prasad Srm University student

Beginner-Level 5

For MCA, 60% is the eligibility criteria but you can take admission directly in any of these colleges like SRM, VIT. After the counseling process, few seats are left. So, to fill those seats they take some of the students for that you have to