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Nitesh Kumar Tiwari

Contributor-Level 6

It may not be possible to pursue B.Ed from Delhi University in the second year of your M.Com programme with IGNOU as B.Ed is typically a full-time programme that requires a significant amount of time and effort. Additionally, many universities
0 Follower 106 Views

Sneha Kumari

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, you can choose management as your subject for clearing UGC NET.
0 Follower 126 Views

Bhawna Kumari

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, BMLT is offered by IGNOU and the details are as follow:
Bachelor/ B.Sc. In Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT)
Minimum Duration: 4 Years
Maximum Duration: 6 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 25,000
Minimum Age: 17 Years
Maximum Age: No bar
0 Follower 41 Views

Sneha Kumari

Contributor-Level 7

It's upto your preference. M.Com from IGNOU would be more beneficial rather than M.Com from SOL.
0 Follower 407 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its

Scholar-Level 17

Yes, you can apply for
Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP)
Minimum Duration: 6 Months
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 1,000
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Maximum Age: No bar
No formal qualification
This Programme is offered by the Unive
0 Follower 9 Views

vivek mishra

Beginner-Level 3

IGNOU has started fresh admission for the M.Com course in January 2023 session. The last date to apply for M.Com admission at IGNOU is 10 February 2023. The application form fee for the M.Com General Degree programme is INR 300. However, the I
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Sreeshma ep

Beginner-Level 5

IGNOU has less value, it has less value if we compared it with regular universities. It is a fact that going to college gives you more practical experience and a chance to practice your skills.
No Practical Knowledge To learn and understand so
0 Follower 181 Views

jasveer singh

Contributor-Level 9

This is a PG Diploma level programme with an exit option of PG Certificate in Information Security (PGCIS) after successfully completion of first semester and 32 credits of worth. Student can complete this programme in minimum period of one
0 Follower 404 Views

Sreeshma ep

Beginner-Level 5

No, Regional centre is closed on Saturday.
0 Follower 614 Views

Sreeshma ep

Beginner-Level 5

IGNOU B.Ed is an external student degree exams- distant education degree. It does not prevent you from appearing for a SET or TET AS long you satisfy basic educational and age and other criteria.