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0 Follower 107 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Saranya Mishra

Contributor-Level 8

It is not easy to give a clear winner since one has the advantage of being in Mumbai, the other has a long-standing tradition of academics.
It depends on factors like choice of career, academic inclination, financial viability and affordability
0 Follower 43 Views

Ritu Bhandari

Scholar-Level 16

You can refer the below link for eligibility:
0 Follower 231 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhishek Vikram Lawyer.UPSC Aspirant,Avid reader

Guide-Level 13

LLM a post graduate course after LLB in itself is a specialization in law. But also there are certain specializations offered while a student takes up LLM. It could be a LLM in constitutional law or media law or criminal law but yes you are
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Shiksha Discussions

Guide-Level 12

You can teach, or you can work at a firm or go in-house. An LL.M will give you a leg up in these areas (indeed it is necessary for teaching). Other than this, for litigation purposes, there is no tangible benefit to doing an LL.M. Your analyti