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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management has a well-supported campus with facilities like The library has a collection of over 4700+ books, 7,000+ e-books, 6,000+ e-journals, a fine collection of books on literature and
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management is a well-known institution for M.E./M.Tech, B.E. / B.Tech courses. These programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. As per Shiksha's verified reviews, Institute of Infr
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

As per Shiksha verified reviews, Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management has an impressive review rating of 3.71 by 55 students.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

The placements opportunities in NITs are very high. So preferer to take admission in NITs over IITRM for Mechanical engineering.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Rajdeep Sinha

Guide-Level 13

Hi there!
Diploma holders can also apply for admission. They have to take lateral entry for that, lateral entry is given only at the time of 2nd year in the college. You can contact college authorities for the same. I hope you got your answer.
1 Follower 289 Views

Mahesh Goswami

Contributor-Level 7

Of course, IITRAM is a good college for placements. But, there are many colleges which have good placement record in EE, like Jaypee, Galgotia university, LPU, Anand International College Of Engineering College etc.
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Sonik Sourabh Engineer, PGPM 2018-20 @ MDI

Guide-Level 11

Yes, it's a good college to pursue that but you have to perform well in your studies.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Debadutta Dash Studying Civil Engg in IITRAM, Ahmedabad

Beginner-Level 4

I was apprehensive at first. I am still to some extent.
But one thing which was clear that it isn't a stereotypical B.Tech college. Study hard, you will get rewarded. It is kind of Senior Secondary School.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Debadutta Dash Studying Civil Engg in IITRAM, Ahmedabad

Beginner-Level 4

Level of education is very high and serious here. A guy would struggle if he takes it to be a stereotypical B.Tech college. Almost all the professors have masters and doctoral from the leading IITs of the country. Some of them have also went f