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tarun mittal

Contributor-Level 10

The latest cutoff information for B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering at Jaipur National University. However, you can check the cutoff for B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering at NITs on the website of josaa
I hope this information h
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Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

There are many hostels and PGs available near JNU Jaipur. The university is located in Jagatpura in Jaipur and Jagatpura is a student friendly place, i.e. cheap and it has many PGs at less rent.
Here are list of some PG :
1. JNU Hostel
2. Shri R
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Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) at Jaipur National University is calculated based on the performance of the student in each semester. The university follows a credit-based system, where each course is assigned a certain number of credits
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Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

Jaipur national University is located in Jaipur with the biggest campus in Jaipur with 3 campuses named 1. Jnu main campus or jnu hospital, 2. Silas campus and 3. SADTM campus.
All the campuses contain other courses related to the campus. All
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Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, Jaipur national University (JNU) offers international collaborations or MoUs with various colleges across the globe. These collaborations boost academic partnership and help students to discover new courses
1. University of Chester, UK
0 Follower 73 Views

Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, Jaipur National University is approved by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education). Jaipur national University provides many undergraduate and postgraduate courses which are approved by AICTE. All technology related courses are o
0 Follower 17 Views

Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

Jaipur national University (JNU) follows a credit-based system for calculating CGPA, where each course is assigned a certain number of credits. Additionally, the university assigns grade points based on the marks obtained in each course, which
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Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

Jaipur National University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields. Some of the top courses offered at Jaipur National University are:
1. B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
2. B.Tech in Electronics
0 Follower 10 Views

Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

To take admission in Jaipur national University at MBA you have to clear CAT or the entrance provided by college. The minimum percentile may vary every year according to the cut off. And entrance exam may vary so check the official website of
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Dikshit Rawal

Contributor-Level 6

If you fail in internal exams conducted by Jaipur national University, you have to appear for a backlog examination for eg if you failed an exam in 1sem then you have to appear in the examination in 3rd sem. The back examination for internal e