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0 Follower 88 Views

pragati sharma

Beginner-Level 1

Yes ofcourse, it provides good practical exposure in biotechnology.
0 Follower 26 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ansh Sharma

Guide-Level 12

You can check detailed admission process through the following link:
1 Follower 36 Views

Vinita Shinkar

Contributor-Level 7

After pursuing MCA, you can either undertake NET examination and after qualifying that you can apply for a PhD in any university that you wish for. You can also pursue ME/M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering). Also, MS degree from abroad is
1 Follower 236 Views

Prachi Pol Making History...

Guide-Level 13

You must have done the below qualification in order to be eligible for the post of Art and Craft Teacher in Government School. The basic educational qualification required is as follows.
> You must possess 5 years recognized Diploma in Painting
0 Follower 53 Views

Navita Aggarwal

Beginner-Level 5

Every university and college has different procedure except NLU which go through a common procedure. You have to go through the website of each university. First, shortlist the universities in which admissions are still on.
0 Follower 238 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
astha singh

Scholar-Level 16

It is around 50 percent.