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0 Follower 17 Views


Beginner-Level 4

This Programme is designed to create future-ready IT professionals with exposure to Computer Principles, Applications, Enterprise Software Management Methodologies and Business Practices. The Programme also focuses on Investigation
0 Follower 604 Views


Beginner-Level 4

K.R. Mangalam University is a pioneering institution of higher education in Haryana, established in 2013 under the Haryana Private Universities Act and is empowered to award degrees as specified by UGC under section 2f of the UGC Act, 1956. KR
0 Follower 7 Views


Beginner-Level 4

This Programme is designed to create future-ready IT professionals with exposure to Computer Principles, Applications, Enterprise Software Management Methodologies and Business Practices. The Programme also focuses on Investigation
0 Follower 9 Views


Beginner-Level 4

School of Legal Studies, KRMU is one of best law college in Delhi NCR with a robust reputation for its high-quality teaching and legal research. The school is approved by the Bar Council of India. The school offers an impressive range of acade
0 Follower 5 Views


Beginner-Level 4

K. R. Mangalam University is a pioneering institution of higher education in Haryana, established in 2013 under the Haryana Private Universities Act and is empowered to award degrees as specified by UGC under section 2f of the UGC Act, 1956.
0 Follower 15 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

BBA LLB five-year integrated programme has distinct objective of preparing young minds with knowledge, skills and attitude so as to make them proficient of efficaciously meeting the present necessities and to combat future challenges in legal
0 Follower 22 Views

Namisha Yadav

Beginner-Level 3

The eligible criteria to get admission in K.R. Mangalam University for different courses are different . The minimum 55% must be needed to get admission in course and before admission a small interview session carried out , if you pass the int