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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Gandreddi Vidyullata Always being curious

Contributor-Level 6

Hello esha , there is no scholarship available on MAT score , but you can attend for karunya exam ( K-MAT ) and if you are in top 10 list in that exam , than you can avail scholarship , and all the scholarships available by the government are
0 Follower 121 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Karunya School of Management KU

Contributor-Level 6

Dear Candidte - our last date of Karunya Entrance Examination is 11th april 2015. Please apply soon. For more information please contact our call centre 1800 425 4300 from 6.00 am to 10.30 pm. Thank you
0 Follower 83 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Gandreddi Vidyullata Always being curious

Contributor-Level 6

Hello vidya ,
KUBS accept CMAT / CAT / MAT / XAT scores , and the minimum marks to score is 400 for mat and minimum 50 % for other exams cmat , cat and xat , in case if you did'nt attend for these exams or else your score is less than 50 % .
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Gandreddi Vidyullata Always being curious

Contributor-Level 6

Hello vignesh,
KUBS is a business school , and it is a deemed to be university , specializations offered are Finance, HRM , Marketing, Operations , Logistics and supply chain management and International Business .
we have experienced faculty me