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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, candidates will be allowed to skip questions in MET mock test. However, the candidates will not be allowed to revisit to the section. While attempting the MET mock test, the section can be visited only once. The mock test will have the se
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

During the MET 2023 counselling, the allotted candidates will be required to submit their original documents. If the documents are not submitted within the allotted time frame, then their candidature will be cancelled. The list of documents to
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

If the candidates are not satisfied with their MET seat allotment, then they can forgo their allotment and participate in the next round of counselling. Registered candidates will be able to edit their submitted choice of courses and campuses
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

The duration of the MET mock test has been announced. Candidates will be allotted 60 minutes to complete the mock test. A total of 18 questions have to be answered within the allotted duration. Once the time is over, the paper will be automati
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

No, the candidates will not need to be registered to access the MET mock test. The authorities have made the MET mock test available online at for all engineering aspirants, irrespective of their application status with Manipal. To
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

MET 2023 counselling registration process has commenced. Qualified candidates will have to visit the official website and log in using their application number and OTBS password. After logging in, the candidates will have to check their profil
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

MET mock test pattern is similar to the entrance examination. The total duration of the mock test is 2 hours and the candidates will have to answer 60 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and Numerical Answer Type NAT Questions. No extra time will
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

No, candidates do not need to book any slots for MET mock test. The link to access the MET mock test will be available online at The candidates will be able to access and attempt the mock test as per their availability. No login c
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

To access the MET mock test smoothly, the candidates are required to meet certain system specifications. For the mock test, the operation system should be Windows 10 (Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions) / Windows 8/8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
0 Follower 6 Views

Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Yes. MAHE will release the MET mock test online. Candidates will be able to access the MET mock test from the link that will be sent to their registered email address. Through the mock test, the candidates will be able to attempt and understan