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0 Follower 12 Views

Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

During the MET 2023 slot booking process, the candidates had to choose their preferred exam date and timings as per the availability at their selected exam city. In case of no availability, the candidates had to select another preference. The
0 Follower 56 Views

Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

No, the candidates were not able to change the exam city preferences after downloading the MET 2023 admit card. The authorities did not entertain any requests for exam city changes after the application and slot booking process was completed.
0 Follower 61 Views

Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

While reporting at the exam centre, the candidates had to present their MET 2023 admit card. Along with the MET hall ticket 2023, the candidates also had to bring their application form photocopy and identity proof. Some of the acceptable iden
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Before commencing the MET 2023 slot booking, the candidates were advised to keep certain details ready to ensure that the process was completed smoothly before the final date. Some of the details that the candidates were advised to keep ready
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Yes. The candidates were able to complete the MET 2023 slot booking for the second attempt if they were registered for the second phase. To be eligible for the second session MET 2023 slot booking, the candidates had to fill out the applicatio
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Candidates were able to access the MET 2023 slot booking facility online. The official link for the MET slot booking 2023 was available at The authorities did not provide any offline means of slot booking. The candidates were
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Yes. It was necessary for the candidates to complete their MET 2023 slot booking process before the final date. This allowed the candidates to choose their preferred exam city, date and timings. If the candidates were not able to complete the
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Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

No, the authorities will not accept the soft copy of the MET 2023 admit card at the examination centre. The candidates will be required to present their MET 2023 admit card printout at the examination centre along with the identity proof and o
0 Follower 8 Views

Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

Registered candidates will be able to download MET 2023 admit card from the OTBS page. The available MET 2022 hall ticket/admit card link is provided at manipalotbs. Com. To access the MET 2023 hall ticket, the candidates had to complete the s
0 Follower 9 Views

Saakshi Varsha Lama

Contributor-Level 10

In case, the signature in the MET 2023 admit card is showing blurred, the candidates are advised to immediately contact the officials. The authorities should be informed so that no problems arise during the examination date. In case, the candi