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Megha Aggarwal

Guide-Level 13

There is no entrance exam conducted for M.A. Geography. The entrance exam is for law and Ph.D. programmes. For more details visit:
0 Follower 19 Views

nikhil Sharma

Guide-Level 13

Please refer to the link provided below where you can download college brochure which contains details regarding important dates of admission.
0 Follower 139 Views

Megha Aggarwal

Guide-Level 13

The most important thing to qualify the MA Entrance is that your vocabulary and grammar should be good. Read English newspapers every day and read all the books of English which you already have read in your graduation period.
0 Follower 39 Views

kanksha Mutreja

Guide-Level 12

As a minimum criterion of eligibility, aspiring candidates are needed to have attained a Bachelors degree in any of Physics, Biological Sciences, BAMS, BHMS, BPT and any other related discipline, with a minimum aggregate score of 50%.
Indian na
0 Follower 62 Views

Namrata Singh

Contributor-Level 10

No, it is not offered in North-Eastern Hill University. They offer M.Ed course only.
0 Follower 49 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Please refer to the link provided below for a detailed list of all courses offered by NEHU. You should be able to navigate to a course of your choice using the filters on the web page. Regards.
0 Follower 42 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shruti Kaushal

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Angshuman,
Sorry to say, no, you cannot join.
0 Follower 61 Views

shaik neelofar

Beginner-Level 5

No, its better to go to Dubai for paper 2 in JEE Mains after scoring high rank.
0 Follower 116 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Yes, North-Eastern Hill University offers a number of UG degrees. Some of these are mentioned below. Additionally, you can use the link provided below for details regarding these courses.
Courses offered:
1) B.E/B.Tech
3) B.Arch
Link: http
0 Follower 58 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Biaka,I don't think NEHU conducts any entrance exam for admissions to MA in sociology. I am attaching a link that will give you all the required information, even if the information is about last year.