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bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

All the form are available online only. Please specify where you want to take admission so that I can assist you in a better way.
0 Follower 61 Views

bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

For the B.Sc. (Hons ) in maths, you need to fill the PU (UG)CET form. The following is the link For further details, you need to contact the concerned department. Here are the details:
Telephone: +91 172 2534528
0 Follower 199 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
priyank sharma

Scholar-Level 16

Hi Mitra, for getting admission in government colleges you need a valid PU-CET score but in private colleges, some college give you direct admission through your good academic performance of 10+2 level.
Best of luck.
0 Follower 55 Views

bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

No, you have to give the exam at PU Campus, Sector 14, Chandigarh.
0 Follower 112 Views

bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

The following link is to the entrance form:
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bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

B.Sc (Hons school) in Microbiology from Panjab University B.Sc (Pass or Hons) from any other University or must have studied Microbiology as one of the elective subjects during three years in B.Sc can apply.
0 Follower 35 Views

bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you are eligible for PU-CET (UG). The common entrance test is for various courses and different department have a different cut-off.
0 Follower 171 Views

Ritu Bhandari

Scholar-Level 16

Bachelor of Education or B. Ed. is an undergraduate program of 2-year duration.The course specifically caters to the students who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching and related fields. It is a skill based training program which
1 Follower 155 Views

bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

Right now the forms are not available. Please review the official site of Panjab University for further notifications.
0 Follower 144 Views

bharti arora

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you have to give PU-CET exam which includes mathematics paper.