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1 Follower 56 Views

Gurleen Khurana

Guide-Level 14

Yes, you can do MA after completing BA.
0 Follower 104 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

As the institute does not discloses much information, I would request you to contact the college officials for details.
I am attaching a link for your reference:
0 Follower 92 Views

Megha Aggarwal

Guide-Level 13

You need to have passed graduation in a relevant stream to be eligible to apply for this programme.
1 Follower 85 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

As it is a full-time programme, it would not be possible for you to learn this course by sitting at home. You need to enroll for this program and attend the classes.
0 Follower 105 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

The last date to apply is in the 5th week of May 2018. For further details, refer to the official website:
0 Follower 74 Views

Megha Aggarwal

Guide-Level 13

The forms are made available in the month of March-April. Please refer to the link to get application form:
2 Followers 511 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

The duration of the course is 4 years. The forms will be made available in the month of May.
0 Follower 241 Views

Megha Aggarwal

Guide-Level 13

You can be hired in as an Astrologist, Numerologist, Palmist, Tarot Card Reader, Fortune Teller, Mind Reader, Philosopher, Mathematician, Lecturer, Teacher, Assistant professor, Academic Research Editor, etc.
You may even pursue private practic
0 Follower 81 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

The forms will be made available in the month of May and the fee is around INR 6,000.