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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

If you say about your sastra rank I can answer for your question.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

It's impossible to get CSE with your rank. Maybe by chance you may get CSE related courses but not for sure. They are newly introduced courses specializations.
0 Follower 22 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Mostly bio tech bio engineering chemical nano technology or aerospace . But you can try EIe civil too because they increased no of courses too this year
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

If you appear for stream 1 you will get rarely CSE related Newly introduced courses with specialization otherwise you will get ECE related specialization and next every course you are eligible but not CSE or IT . Under stream 2 you are eligibl
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ram S

Contributor-Level 9

Your AIR is good enough to get into sastra main campus. With the given rank you might get into instrumentation probably anyways select branches wisely.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

You didn't mentioned about your stream. If stream 1 there are very less possibilities even to get a seat. If it's stream 2 you won't even get any seat in sastra. But try it's based on how many attended counselling.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Mostly you will get as no of branches increased this year . So try up to last counselling
0 Follower 19 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Mostly you will get CSE if not you will get CSE related courses. But try upto last counselling.
0 Follower 15 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ram S

Contributor-Level 9

Hello, try to mentioned your AIR so that we could assist you regarding the admitting branch