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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ram S

Contributor-Level 9

As the sastra rank has been released try to mention your sastra AIR rank so that we can guide you
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

It's highly impossible you to get CSE seat based on your marks. Maybe you can try donation seat in vit or amrita. No payment seats in sastra.
0 Follower 55 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Sastra won't consider communities but considers under Tamilnadu quota. I am not sure of getting a CSE seat. But try by applying it's all based on how many applied and how many attended counselling.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

You didn't mentioned which state are you from. If you are from Tamil Nadu quota that to from trichy or Thanjavur you will get definitely any seat in Thanjavur branch. But if you are not you can get any seat in kumbakonam branch. Apply for kumb
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Stream 1 you have to involve your +2 board marks also. 75% JEE + 25% +2 marks. My be you can get any branch if not in 1st counselling try for the last rounds.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

You can easily get your seat in bio tech under Tamilnadu quota. If you don't get in 1st counselling try for next round of counselling. Definitely you will get your required branch.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

You didn't mentioned state you are from. If you are from Tamil Nadu maybe you have a chance to get in stream 1 . Otherwise it's very difficult to get CSE . But try until last round of counselling. It's all based on how many students applied an
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Vibha Gupta

Scholar-Level 17

Well the cut off varies from university to university for eligibility scholarship purpose. Here I can share my view point on Lovely professional university as it provides quality education. LPU is a well renowned university, providing quality
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ram S

Contributor-Level 9

With 3232 AIR rank it would be difficult for you to get into CSE, ECE, EEE, mech, eie.
0 Follower 22 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ram S

Contributor-Level 9

If you belongs to trichy or tamilnadu you might get IT or ICT in sastra thanjavur campus but if you belongs to other states it would be difficult for you to get into IT or ICT also it depend in counselling _ALL THE BEST.