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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

It's based on how many students applied for that branch and college. Possibly for getting is 50:50 as your JEE Main score is less. If you are From Tamil Nadu you can apply for stream 2 it maybe possible to get seat in bioinformatics.
0 Follower 12 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Stream 1 is combination of both JEE and ipe. So you have to consider your +2 marks too. If your marks in +2 board is above 98%. You can get your seat in sastra for sure without any branch preference.
0 Follower 14 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Stream 1 applications consists of both ipe and JEE Mains with 75:25 weight age. So u have to consider your marks in IPE too. If your ipe marks are high I. e. ;above 98% of marks not gradepoints. You may get seat in sastra Deemed University, Th
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Maybe you can get seat in sastra Deemed University , kumbakonam branch . But it's highly difficult to get seat in main campus of sastra Deemed University ,Thanjavur .
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Maybe it's highly difficult to get CSE. You can apply for stream 1 JEE and ipe combination. Maybe it's based on how many students applied. So maximum you can prefer any other branch to apply if you have given preference to college than branch.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, our college is running arts groups too.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Soma Sreevardhan Reddy

Beginner-Level 4

You can apply just by specifying your hallticket number in the application form. After declaration of results, they can verify or ask you to update marks.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

The rank is totally based on how many students applied and the highest score in that year. According to 2018 rank, you will stand between rank 1000-1500 and in 2019 as Andhra Pradesh government.
0 Follower 476 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

There are many branches in SASTRA, Thanjavur. If you don't have any priority of branches and campuses i.e., SASTRA, Thanjavur and SASTRA Kumbakonam. You will definitely get a seat.
0 Follower 25 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Inturi Bhavya Teja Undergraduate Btech CSE from Sastra Deemed Univers

Contributor-Level 10

You can apply for stream 2 which is totally based on +2 marks. There is less competition for bio informatics in stream 2 sector.