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0 Follower 72 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Mr. Arul Sekar,
Your son has got a good score in CBSE boards. There are good chances to get a seat for mechatronics.
If he has not appeared for JEE Mains, then he needs to apply under stream 2. If appeared, then stream 1. If he has appear
0 Follower 84 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
archit kumar College selection expert

Scholar-Level 16

Hello Sunkara,
As per your marks in boards, you will easily get SASTRA University. However, it will be better for you to look forward to get admission in Thapar University. You will easily get CSE/ECE there and it is much better than SASTRA Uni
0 Follower 33 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

As per your marks, there are low chances to get a seat at SASTRA University.
If you have appeared for JEE Mains then you may have some good chances but if you have not then your chances will be almost nil.
Your percentage should be at l
0 Follower 139 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Harsh Ranjan College Selection Expert

Scholar-Level 17

70% seat are filled on the basis of class 12th marks. So, your score is not so good to get in Sastra University. So, you may try in any other college.
0 Follower 1.4k Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Sai Divya!
Yes, there are good chances for you to get a seat for computer science engineering at Sastra University. You have a good score and your percentile will be 98.5(0.75) + 64(0.25) = 89.875. On this basis, you will be placed on a r
0 Follower 255 Views

Srinivasan Balasubramanian

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you can get but it depends on the trend too. If you also have a JEE score of 150+ consider yourself admitted.
0 Follower 1k Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hi Sai Priya,
The following link gives you the fee structure for Sastra University:
All the best.
0 Follower 882 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Aswath,
You really have a good cut off. You can easily get a seat at Sastra University and also PSG Coimbatore. If you belong to general (OC) category, then you have less chances to get your desired course in PSG. If you belong to some ot
0 Follower 88 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Sri
Yes, there are good chances for you to get computer science engineering at SASTRA University, Thanjavur. You have a good score in board exams as well as JEE main exam. Your percentile will be 96.5(0.75)+119(0.25)=102.125.
As you are a
0 Follower 141 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Praveena,
Your chances are good to get a seat in SASTRA University. I think you will also get the course which you want. You need to apply through stream 1.
The admission into SASTRA University is based on your overall percentage in board