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1 Follower 24 Views

palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Atul for sure I can help you provide guidance regarding your future but first tell me what's the problem that you are facing right now. Your question is seriously not clear so can't help you right now. Please type it again.
0 Follower 43 Views

palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Atul for sure I can help you provide guidance regarding your future but first tell me what's the problem that you are facing right now. Your question is seriously not clear so can't help you right now.
0 Follower 71 Views

Dr Vijay Kumar

Beginner-Level 4

Yes, degree is valid if student is a regular student of university campus.
0 Follower 139 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shail Oberoi

Guide-Level 14

Yes, you are eligible for MBA entrance tests like CAT, MAT, XAT, etc. The minimum criteria for being eligible for appearing in MBA entrance test is that one should have 50% marks at graduate level from a UGC recognized university.
0 Follower 163 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
abhishek jha Guidance/experience/engineering/CBSE/MBA

Contributor-Level 9

Shridhar like universities are black spot on Indian education system. If you want just a worthless degree, then go for it. Good luck.
0 Follower 62 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Parveen Kumar Sharma Communication Skills Expert; Career and Life Coach

Guide-Level 14

You need to get in contact with the Examination Controller office of the University or the Subject Department of the course you did.
If it is a regular degree, then the concerned institution under that university will give that to you.
0 Follower 126 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ashish Sinha

Beginner-Level 4

Yes, I believe you should be able to apply for UGC NET. Just check the age factors, else your Master's degree makes you eligible.
0 Follower 183 Views

anila k

Guide-Level 14

To get your degree of B.A, you need to contact the college authorities. They will be in a better position to help you.
0 Follower 208 Views

alok kumar

Contributor-Level 9

What exactly would you like to know about?
Do you want to know about the affiliation, faculty and courses?