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0 Follower 64 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The college is trying to put the list online today itself. Request you to keep checking the site every hour or so.
0 Follower 39 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

It should be out tonight on the college website. Do keep checking regularly.
0 Follower 39 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

Please upload the marksheets separately for each semester. Do this by 8th March, since that is the last date.
0 Follower 185 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Vishal,
I am sorry to inform you that your CMAT score is very low SIMSR. Last year the cutoff was 92.
Your chances look close to nil.
0 Follower 36 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Which competitive exams have you attempted
0 Follower 108 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

The cutoff was 96. Sorry to say but there is no second round of GD
0 Follower 26 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The ratio maintained is usually 1:10. This year also it may be the same or slightly higher.
0 Follower 119 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Mahima,
Congrats on your score, yes you will get a call. All the best
0 Follower 16 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

We don't accept mat scores at all.
0 Follower 70 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The fees for pgdm are 4.4 lakh per year. Hostel and Mess will cost 1.5 lakh per year (approx). You can expect the total expenses to come to Rs 12 lakh for 2 years.