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0 Follower 127 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, a laptop is required. For many subjects, you will need softwares like Excel, Project, SPSS etc. You will need your laptop in the classroom for these. Moreover, you will have to submit many assignments online and make reports and presentat
0 Follower 142 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Pooja, I am sorry to say but your score is very low. Last year the cutoff was 85. Your chance don't look good.
0 Follower 160 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Samikshya,
For cat-85
xat - 85
Cmat -92.
IF you dont mind me asking, what is your score ?
0 Follower 29 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, depending on what profiles you're looking for. Companies come with Finance, Marketing, HR and Operations profiles and relevant work experience is always useful
0 Follower 37 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The GDPI will take place between 11th and 14th March in Delhi. You can select the date and time slot from your result page. The address for the GDPI centre is:
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade,IIFT Bhawan, B-21, , Qutab Institutional Area, De
0 Follower 34 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The GDPI will take place in Delhi between 11th and 14th March. You can select any date of your choice among these.
0 Follower 79 Views

Prasad Mahajan

Beginner-Level 3

No, there is no electrical engineering in this college!
0 Follower 101 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
veerain kaul

Beginner-Level 5

do you have any quota , SC/ST or OBC . then u may have a slight chance
0 Follower 54 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The GD PI process will start on 5th march. The dates will vary according to the location you select. You will select once the GD PI shortlist comes out.
0 Follower 85 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

It is expected to be displayed online today itself. It will depend only on your entrance exam score. Best of luck!