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0 Follower 60 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hi Kapil,
Last year the cut off was 92 but this year the cut of is expected to go down. So i would suggest you take your chance
0 Follower 68 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

I would say your chances are very slim, given last years cutoff of 92 percentile. You can apply through CAT or XAT, if you've better scores there.
0 Follower 74 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

KJ Somaiya is one of the best management colleges in the country, and has been for 2 decades now. You will find the curriculum to be on par with industry standards and our infrastructure is unmatched. Since a lot of college activities are stud
0 Follower 172 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

I am sorry you cant apply through cmat for MMS course.
you have to give MHCET to apply for MMS .
0 Follower 145 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi shivender
depends on the no. of students appeared for the exam this year and the percentiles. last year it was around 3000 rank for cmat.
thank you
0 Follower 77 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

You can have a word with the admission cell.
0 Follower 51 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The GD will be case based. The case can be based on current affairs or could be fictional. Mostly, the case will test your ability to analyze a problem from all angles. The PI is basically there to get to know you better. Questions regarding y
0 Follower 191 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi aishwarya
no we do not look at sectional cut offs. overall percentile.
thank you
0 Follower 105 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Yes you will get a call from kj.goodluck
0 Follower 33 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

We don't usually send out confirmation mails. But you can call the admission department (phone number listed on the website) to confirm. Usually, there won't be a problem.