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0 Follower 55 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

I request you to wait for the mms notification to come out, so i can answer the question with certainty. For reference, the cutoff last year was around 98 percentile.
0 Follower 141 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hello there, sorry buddy 18 percentile is way too less. last yearscut off was 85 percentile
0 Follower 116 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

I am not sure of the MMS course, i will get back to you soon. Hope that you score above 85 percentile in XAT
0 Follower 55 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Sorry Ganesh, but 34 is way too less
0 Follower 61 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

I cannot say for final conversion, but you certainly have a great chance of getting a GDPI call. Your final selection will depend on how well you perform in the GDPI round.
0 Follower 157 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The cutoff for CMAT last year was around 92 percentile. However, it varies every year depending on how many applications we receive and the overall result itself. As far as seats are concerned, all 360 seats in the PGDM program are open to eve
0 Follower 138 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi mayur
tentative cut off is 90+ for kj.
thank you.
0 Follower 93 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi shristy
tentative cut off is 90+
thank you
0 Follower 72 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Already answered above
0 Follower 103 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Tentative 90+
thank you