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0 Follower 41 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The cutoff was around 92 percentile last year. So, you do have an outside albeit slim chance of getting a call.
0 Follower 26 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Yes Davesh, you have a chance of getting a call
0 Follower 78 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Chances are slim. last year the cut off was 85. but there are chances and i would say you go for it
0 Follower 96 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi akansha
yes you can , u have a good chance.
thank you
1 Follower 71 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

You do have a good chance of receiving a call with your score. I suggest you apply. All the best!
0 Follower 81 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi mayank
sorry but chances of converting a call at that score is low as our tentative cut off are 90+.
thank you
0 Follower 37 Views

Rohan Bartake

Contributor-Level 8

Hey, it gd then pi
0 Follower 56 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi taranverr
thats a really good score and your chances of selection are good enough . totally depends on your your gd pi process .
thank you
0 Follower 55 Views

Aniruddha Rege

Contributor-Level 10

The cutoff last year was around 92 percentile. So, while your chances are slim, there is an outside chance of getting a call. Best of luck.
0 Follower 42 Views

smriti sharma

Contributor-Level 7

Hi pranav
Kj somaiya is a brand that is synonymous to values and excellence. we have a great faculty and world class education facilites accompanied with a beautiful campus .
thank you