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0 Follower 15 Views

Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Spicer Adventist University (SAU) offers hostels with separate housing for male and female students. The hostels' rooms are nicely equipped, spacious and air conditioned. Students are placed in hostels on a first-come, first-served basis. 
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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

The Maharashtra government has recognised SAU as a private university that is self-funding. The second-the largest Christian school system in the world, SAU is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist educational system. For over 50 years, SAU's
0 Follower 12 Views

Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Spicer Adventist University's mess food is wholesome and sanitary. The university's Confectionery serves healthful, wholesome food and beverages. The student mess offers strictly vegetarian meals that meet the recommended daily allowances, and
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Anushree mundra

Contributor-Level 10

Utilise the facilities on campus, including the library, computer laboratories, and student support services. Be open to trying new things and facing new problems. Don't be shy about asking for assistance or guidance when you need it.&nbs