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0 Follower 7 Views

tarun mittal

Contributor-Level 10

See there is no such thing as cutoff there will be ranking everyone can Take CS but the fees will be varying.
Officially SRM University never published the cut-off for specific branch and campus but as per previous year and current trend CSE in
0 Follower 112 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dinesh upadhyay I am a lawyer, aspiring manager , education enthu

Scholar-Level 16

Yes, you can definitely try. One need a score of 110 -120 or above for these colleges. You can easily get them with this score.
0 Follower 19 Views

Huda Ansari

Beginner-Level 5

Common eligibility
Class 12 with relevant subjects with at least 60% aggregate
Selection criteria
9 Followers 2.4k Views

Sakshi Masade

Contributor-Level 7

Best college for any engineering degree are IITS AND NITS. After that you can go for Chandigarh university from those you mentioned.
0 Follower 13 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Durgesh NA

Contributor-Level 7

The latest cutoff information for B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) at SRM University closing ranking is 9500 to 10500.
Thank you for asking.
0 Follower 6 Views

tarun mittal

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, you have a slight chance to get CSE in SRM. Other branches would be easier to get. Do not listen to others advice of dropping out!
We are career counselling experts and helping students to get into good college according to their profiles.
0 Follower 203 Views

Devashish Chitale

Beginner-Level 5

I guess it's applicable.
0 Follower 64 Views

Dhruv Garg

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you can get scholarship according to your marks in 12th class and rank in SRMJEE.
0 Follower 85 Views

tarun mittal

Contributor-Level 10

SRM INSTITUTE of Science AND TECHNOLOGY (SRM) formerly known as SRM University, is one of the top-ranking Universities in Chennai over 20000 students and 2800 faculty across all the campus. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate
0 Follower 32 Views

Dinesh L

Contributor-Level 8

Science students can do BCom professional in ACCA in SRM University Chennai.