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0 Follower 17 Views

Niharika Singh

Guide-Level 15

Hi, Go for LPU. LPU has been ranked best by numerous agencies when it comes to placements. LPU is a proud recipient of the Golden Star Award for being a University with the Best Placements in India. Digital Learning has recognised LPU as havin
0 Follower 293 Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

No, SRM does not take admission based on the JEE Mains marks. It is a private college and has its own exams. However, you can write the entrance exam for SRM and you can get admission into it.
0 Follower 14 Views

Niharika Singh

Guide-Level 15

Hi, In this techno-savvy world, every university is floating CSE as the demand is the highest but only a few universities provide quality education. Therefore, I would recommend LPU because LPU has ranked among top-100 in the Overall as well a
0 Follower 162 Views

Lipika Dhingra

Scholar-Level 16

Being an alumni of LPU let me share some key insights. LPU has formed a contemporary record in the whole of North India by placing its student Tanya Arora with Microsoft, who bagged a package of 42 LPA. Additionally, other record-breaking plac
0 Follower 68 Views

Niharika Singh

Guide-Level 15

Hi, Selecting a university is a big decision and an arduous task, as our career depends upon that. I would highly recommend LPU because of the following reasons. Ranking: LPU ranks amongst the Top 200 universities globally as per the prestigio
0 Follower 12 Views

heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Admission to this programme will be on the basis of performance in the SRMJEE (PG) conducted by SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University). However candidates with valid score in other competitive examinations s
0 Follower 68 Views

Niharika Singh

Guide-Level 15

Hi, How do you compare universities? Let me share some criteria:
Curriculum: The curriculum is continuously upgraded and developed with consultations and feedback from the industry. Since IT/CSE is a highly dynamic field, you can't afford a pro
0 Follower 62 Views

Niharika Singh

Guide-Level 15

Hello, In the era of cut-throat competition, every institution is floating CSE and considers it a flagship course and claims that the institute is providing the best. Still, the best gets converted into the worst when it comes to the applicati