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0 Follower 109 Views

Neharika sharma

Guide-Level 13

Lovely Professional University is a good university when you compare it with other private universities and colleges. I have done my MBA from LPU, One of my friend was enrolled in B.Tech Automobile as well. Few major point I will be sharing ab
0 Follower 1.7k Views

Sangya Kumari

Contributor-Level 6

Well I would like to say that Chandigarh University is the best University for each and every discipline that it provides. Chandigarh University (CU) is a leading Indian Institution offering its students a unique amalgamation of professional a
0 Follower 86 Views

Arish 9354041084 Khan

Beginner-Level 5

No, you can get a seat in CSE at SRM Sonepat.
0 Follower 28 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Your SRMJEEE rank is very good enough for getting B.Tech Aerospace in asked SRM campus. Even you can get ECE and EEE branches also.
0 Follower 327 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Arnab Kanti Roy

Beginner-Level 5

What is your JEE score?
0 Follower 51 Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

I don't know about SRM but as an alumni of LPU. LPU is the better choice to pursue your engineering. LPU does provide B.Tech in Mechanical. LPU is a better option, in terms of placements, best curriculum, infrastructure, well-experienced facul
0 Follower 11 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Gaurav Kumar Singh Educationist & Carrer counselor

Guide-Level 13

Chandigarh University is one of the main college in north India now. I can give you a superior survey as I have spent my 1 valuable year. Chandigarh University is a tremendous college (appx 100 acres region) and has great quality of understudi