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Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

Both have good placement but in the case of infrastructure and facility LPU is better. Being an alumnus of LPU I would prefer LPU as it has helped me grow professionally and provides exposure to various opportunities in terms of internsh
0 Follower 237 Views

Naini Kalra

Contributor-Level 10

Integrated courses are actually good. Because there are many benefits in doing it. And if you talk about these universities 3 of them are doing good and offering integrated courses. My friends sister is doing same course in LPU and what I come
2 Followers 1.3k Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

Dear Ashish, Being an alumnus of LPU I would prefer LPU as it has helped me grow professionally and provides exposure to various opportunities in terms of internships, workshops, guest lectures, industrial visits, placements etc. LPU becomes t
1 Follower 859 Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

Dear Naman, All have good placement but in case of infrastructure and facility LPU is better than any other University. Lovely Professional University is the best engineering college in India. LPU becomes the best place to pursue an engineerin
1 Follower 298 Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

Dear Jakhar, Being an alumnus of LPU I would prefer LPU as it has helped me grow professionally and provides exposure to various opportunities in terms of internships, workshops, guest lectures, industrial visits, placements etc. Lovely Profes
0 Follower 225 Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

Being an alumnus of LPU I would prefer LPU as it has helped me grow professionally and provides exposure to various opportunities in terms of internships, workshops, guest lectures, industrial visits, placements etc. Lovely Professional Univer
0 Follower 289 Views

Mehar Sharma Lovely Professional University

Scholar-Level 16

LPU is better than any other University. Lovely Professional University is the best engineering college in India. LPU becomes the best place to pursue an engineering degree with highly qualified teaching staff, best laboratories, and modern te
0 Follower 420 Views

aveena patel

Beginner-Level 4

Parul University is better than SRM. The campus is 150+ acre fully equipped, the university is an amalgamation of 36 institutes offering 250+ programs. The university has been awarded as the best private university in western India, awarded as
0 Follower 21 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Candidates who are studying in the final year/ semester Degree course and are yet to pass the final year degree examination can also apply provided candidate should not have any present backlog and should have secured a minimum of 60% marks up
0 Follower 73 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Neetu Singh

Scholar-Level 16

A chemical engineers' career is wide-ranging from biotechnology and aerospace to biomedical and petroleum industries. Today, chemical engineering is becoming a highly profitable branch of engineering with a huge scope for growth in India as we