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Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Fees comes around INR. 500,000 per year, but it carries with the candidates Scores.
Hope that answers your question.
Thank you.
1 Follower 125 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, it can be form any board like CBSE ,SSC,ICSE or IGCSE.
Yes, CBSE is a good start. It is not harm for the candidate to do the course in any Board, but the candidate must have Physics, Chemistry and Biology with Minimum of 50% marks.
All the
0 Follower 12 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you can get admission for ECE. Do attend the counselling session.
0 Follower 75 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Moin Nargund Aspiring Student

Guide-Level 12

Gitam University is good. If you really interested in studies whole library with good books for you. If not whole Visakhapatnam (city to enjoy).
Placements: CSE/It get good amount not companies, mechanical/civil same old story just 10% get plac
0 Follower 17 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Try your level best and get below 500 as you'll be able to in the desired course and also attend the counselling session.
0 Follower 181 Views

Sahil Rana

Guide-Level 15

ITS is one of the most premier institutes with a good curriculum, apply for BITSAT2018. Give Karnataka state board engineering entrance exam, try for the exam which is held in your state. Maharashtra state engineering exam.
0 Follower 106 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Most probably you'll have to write the entrance exam if you are able to score well then and only you'll be able to get scholarship.
All the best.
Hope that answers your question. Thank you
0 Follower 20 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Try your level best and get a rank below 2000 as you'll easily be able to get the desired course then.
0 Follower 22 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

I hope that you can, but for further clarification, we request you to contact the official authorities of SRM.
1 Follower 69 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Apoorva Dutta Information Science|Research

Contributor-Level 7

Depends on your area you have done, if you go for government college Assistant Prof. gets 70-1.10k salary and private it's all negotiable
if you go for coaching institute, it's tough but you can decide your salary yourself.