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0 Follower 20 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Try your level best and get a rank below 2000 as you'll easily be able to get the desired course then.
0 Follower 22 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

I hope that you can, but for further clarification, we request you to contact the official authorities of SRM.
1 Follower 69 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Apoorva Dutta Information Science|Research

Contributor-Level 7

Depends on your area you have done, if you go for government college Assistant Prof. gets 70-1.10k salary and private it's all negotiable
if you go for coaching institute, it's tough but you can decide your salary yourself.
0 Follower 60 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

You can get admission in various courses offered by SRM.
We request you to attend the counselling session.
0 Follower 1.5k Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

It is totally up to you. CSE is easier as compared to ECE. Chose ECE only if you are interested in it.
1 Follower 26 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Hopefully you can get a seat.
We request you to attend the counselling session for greater chance of getting a seat.
Hope that answers your question.
Thank you.
0 Follower 20 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

The fees of CSC is around 1.5 lacs per year but it varies with ranks.
We request you to attend the counselling session as it gives you a greater chance of getting a seat.
0 Follower 33 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you can still apply for the same. Place the application and then attend the counselling session.
1 Follower 35 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Deepak Prajapati Want to share my knowledge

Scholar-Level 16

Please visit this link. This is a college predictor and I hope this will help you to choose the right college-
0 Follower 96 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
shivam patel college choice expert

Guide-Level 14

It is around 3 lacs per annum including hostel and mess charges.