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0 Follower 33 Views

Gautham A S

Contributor-Level 8

Shashikant, you need to mention for which programme you are interested in and all. You can visit their college website or else you can contact the admission depatment for more details.
0 Follower 72 Views

Mohit Sood

Guide-Level 12

You can join but you have to give an entrance exam called SRM BHMCT. It will let you pursue your Bachelors degree in HM. Thanks.
0 Follower 151 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you will have to pay for the year you are staying in the hostel.
1 Follower 119 Views

Pritpal Singh

Contributor-Level 10

Yes, why not. You can get enrolled in BBA. I would suggest Amity University for distance learning as you have very good marks. So, you can get a 10% scholarship also from there. Amity is a brand name university. It's an internationally valid u
0 Follower 211 Views

Md yousuf Khan

Beginner-Level 1

My JEE percentile is 73.
0 Follower 75 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Saurabh kumar Kar An engineering student IIITian

Contributor-Level 10

If you get CSE in VIT and work hard then you will get success. If you really want to pursue your engineering in top colleges like IITs, IIITs and NITs then you may consider a drop of one year for preparation. If you do not want to take a drop
0 Follower 51 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you can definitely apply and get in.
Best wishes.
0 Follower 50 Views

Mohammed aamir

Contributor-Level 9

If you perform really well with good grades then you will definitely get a job personally speaking most of the students in MBA got placed with average package of 2.5L per annum.
0 Follower 84 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Nishant Dubey

Contributor-Level 6

You can definitely refer Thakur's book for MBA, you can find it directly from its website, or otherwise you can go for the other book sites and for syllabus you can visit to university's Web site.
1 Follower 32 Views

Sushil Upadhyaya

Beginner-Level 3

It depends on which paper you have given but before June. All results are out.