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Medha Arya J

Beginner-Level 5

The Diploma in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry is a comprehensive program for 2 years providing medical care to animals and various other aspects of animal husbandry whereas  Diploma in Fishery provides comprehensive understandin
0 Follower 7 Views

smriti soni

Beginner-Level 5

The courses available in sri venkateshwara Veterinary university are B.E. / B.Tech. programme. It offers a total of 17 courses to the candidates. There are 915 seats available for the students who willing to take addmission in various courses
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smriti soni

Beginner-Level 5

The Sri Vekateshwara veterinary university admission procedure for all the courses at Under Graduate, Post Graduate and research level is entrance-based. For Under Graduate courses, students need to clear the state-level entrance examination.
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Medha Arya J

Beginner-Level 5

Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University in comparison with Apollo College of Veterinary Medicine has few differences:- SVVU is in Eco-Friendly Environment In Outskirts Of City- Clinics Is Well Maintained By HOD Of TVCC- Playing Ground Is Avail
0 Follower 11 Views

Medha Arya J

Beginner-Level 5

For the 85% local seats, the seats shall be allocated in 42 : 22 ratio in Andhra University and Sri Venkateswara University area, respectively among the candidates in relation to the local area.Reservation of SeatsBackward Classes : 29% of sea
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Medha Arya J

Beginner-Level 5

Life is wonderful at Sri venkateshwara veterinary University.It's lovely and peaceful.The fees comes affordable to the students and the faculty is friendly and supportive.Facilities and services are satisfactory by offering 4300 plus seatsfor
0 Follower 9 Views

smriti soni

Beginner-Level 5

The fee for the B.Tech. course at Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University is INR 45,675 (1st Year Fees). The total Fees amount for four year course of the B.Tech. is around INR 1,82,700 for students. However, it is recommended to check th
0 Follower 14 Views

Medha Arya J

Beginner-Level 5

The fees for B.Tech at Sri venkateshwara veterinary University is around 40 to 90 thousand depending upon the course you select. Sri venkateshwara veterinary University offers the following courses:Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Hu