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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mukul Singh Pundir

Contributor-Level 10

B.Tech in Biotechnology in Thapar University is very well renowned. If you want to pursue in the field of science, Biotechnology is the right choice for you.
If you are passionate about science and research work, biotechnology provides several
0 Follower 50 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mukul Singh Pundir

Contributor-Level 10

The scope of civil engineering is very good in India but you have to be patient enough for it because it will need time and practical experience for you to come up to a level for high grant.
It is the branch if engineering which deals with the
0 Follower 36 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Kapil,
Thapar's is one of the best engineering college in North India. It has good academic reputation. It imparts good skills to it's students. To mechanical engineering students, it imparts all the relevant skills required.
0 Follower 60 Views

Arjun Raina

Contributor-Level 6

Try your luck in the spot round of counselling (9-11 August 2017). For current admission status and cut-off, kindly refer:
0 Follower 153 Views

Harshit J

Beginner-Level 3

CSE might be down after few decades, but mechanical isn't. You should choose mechanical if you are a hardcore type. As a matter of fact CSE has high demand compared to mechanical right now. Just go with your heart and mind.
4 Followers 2.1k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vivek C

Contributor-Level 9

VIT is the best option to pursue CSE. It has a good placement record.
0 Follower 310 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sushant Raj I am a tech geek..!!

Contributor-Level 9

You can go for management quota but the fee will be high.
So if you can pay a heavy amount for doing B.Tech then you must go for it.
But, if you don't want to waste such money then take a drop and prepare well next year.
0 Follower 76 Views

Arjun Raina

Contributor-Level 6

Core companies specific to the course as well as non-core companies offers job to mechanical engineering students in Thapar University. You can refer to this link for the companies:
0 Follower 152 Views

Arjun Raina

Contributor-Level 6

Mechanical engineering will be smooth for you if you had an interest in the Newtonian Physics in your high school. However, electrical engineering asks for a lot more efforts. Personally, in terms of ease I would go with mechanical.
Also, mech
0 Follower 53 Views

Arjun Raina

Contributor-Level 6

Non Tech companies profiles like analytics, business solutions, consultancies have an all branch eligibility criteria. So, you can surely get into a non tech IT company and some very good of those recruit from Thapar University.