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0 Follower 277 Views

Nityanand Singh

Guide-Level 11

Hey Vaishnavi,
Getting into Thapar university will be a tough task with this much score. However it will be worth giving a try for the counseling of Thapar university. Moreover there are some other universities also which you can consider in th
0 Follower 275 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Md Abdullah

Contributor-Level 6

no thapar takes admission on jee score/rank.
0 Follower 63 Views

Pratistha Kamal

Beginner-Level 5

You can get the top rank if you are expecting 150 in mains and 95% in boards. just fill the preference form according to the branch that you are interested in. Any of the three branches can be given to you provided that how many seats are left
0 Follower 84 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
sania Sci

Contributor-Level 9

Quite good
0 Follower 75 Views

Pratistha Kamal

Beginner-Level 5

Yes you can get the branch in this college. The only thing that it depends on is which branch you are going for and how many seats are left. So dont worry, 50 in SC quota will help you out in getting any branch in Thapar. A ll The Best
1 Follower 78 Views

Pratistha Kamal

Beginner-Level 5

Admissions are going to start shortly. Keep regular with the thapar site. The site will keep you updated with the admission process. The site is
In admission we consider ranks of jee mains and not scores.
0 Follower 87 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Surabhi Chaudhary Engineer at Honda Cars India Limited

Guide-Level 11

Hello. Thapar is a very well reputed college. Let me warn you the fees along with miscellaneous costs is quite high.
0 Follower 61 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sakshi Verma

Guide-Level 12

Dear harvinder
there are various engineering colleges in punjab like nit jalandhar,lpu jalandhar,cgc chandigarh,ptu and many more.these provide various engineering degree according to your interest at affordable fees.if u having interest in cse
0 Follower 84 Views

Parth Purohit

Beginner-Level 5

You will get answer below link fee and other dues final.pdf
0 Follower 106 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ishu Singhal

Contributor-Level 8

For mechanical engineering with Punjab quota min rank would be 40,000 while in AIR it would be 24-25,000
All the best !