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Janvi Pathak

Beginner-Level 5

NCU provides a Master's in Business Administration programme under the School of Management and Liberal Studies (SOM) for a duration of 2 years. The admissions to the programme are based on merit in national level entrance tests such as CAT/ C
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Mada Sai Sudeep Reddy

Contributor-Level 6

The overall cutoff is around 90 percent in 10+2 or it can be 80 percent in IBSAT. The NorthCap University cut off for the year 2023 has not been officially declared yet. However, based on the previous year's trends, the overall cut off for Com
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Janvi Pathak

Beginner-Level 5

NorthCap University is a very famous and prestigious private University in Gurgaon. It is famous for its multidisciplinary approach to education, focus on innovation, internationalization, and digitization.It provides multiple demanding c
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Janvi Pathak

Beginner-Level 5

NorthCap University offers specialised under graduation degree programs in various M&E streams- Sound Engineering, Filmmaking, Animation & Visual Effects, Game Art, Game Design, Game Development, Journalism & Media Production, Visual Communica
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Janvi Pathak

Beginner-Level 5

According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2022, NorthCap University (NCU) is ranked 96th in the Engineering category, and in the University category, it is in the rank band of 151-200. The university has also been r
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Janvi Pathak

Beginner-Level 5

There is two eligibility criteria for admission in North campus University of Delhi. First there is a merit based selection in which your score would be considered only for selection and second there is an entrance exam or test for selection.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bhavana Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Admission to NCU Gurgaon is determined by qualifying exam performance or scores attained in other entrance exams. The university takes into consideration a variety of entrance tests, including university-level entrance exams and others like JE