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0 Follower 21 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its

Scholar-Level 17

Yes, you can go for M.A. (HR and Labor). Intake
e is 60 for this course. You need to clear all the semesters of your graduation. You can apply through TISS official website.
0 Follower 30 Views

Vivek Ranjan

Contributor-Level 7

There are subjects like history, political science, economics, etc. are taught in the UG course of social sciences. It's a very nice course to do as subjects are taught by some of the finest professors as well as the course is well structured.
0 Follower 58 Views

Vivek Ranjan

Contributor-Level 7

For CAT you need to have a full time Bachelor's degree. So, I think you should confirm once with CAT authorities. The contact you can get the official website of CAT. They resolve these on a case to case basis.
0 Follower 37 Views

Vivek Ranjan

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, it's government approved.
0 Follower 53 Views

Supratik Dey

Contributor-Level 7

It is the best for HR. Go for it if you are interested in this field.
1 Follower 140 Views

Mayank Mishra

Beginner-Level 4

Tata Institute of Social Sciences - School of Vocational Education (TISS-SVE) has appointed Institutes (HUB Partner) to run these courses. for Paramedical courses you can contact Paramedical Institute for Education & Research (PIER) or visit w
0 Follower 91 Views

Vivek Ranjan

Contributor-Level 7

You need to appear for an exam called BAT. After that, if you get shortlisted, you will be called for the interview. After this, if you get through, you can get take admission in the course.
I hope this helps. If you need any further help, plea
0 Follower 123 Views

Mayank Mishra

Beginner-Level 4

For admission in Healthcare B.Voc courses of TISS, you can contact Paramedical Institute for Education & Research (PIER) or visit
0 Follower 27 Views

Vivek Ranjan

Contributor-Level 7

This question will be best answered by the Admission Department of TISS. Please do call them.
0 Follower 16 Views

Vivek Ranjan

Contributor-Level 7

You can go to the admission website of TISS to download it. It is available on the home page of the admission website.