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0 Follower 171 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

The MAT cut-off for PUMBA is 600. So, the probability of your selection through above score is very nominal but you can still try your luck.
0 Follower 96 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you may try your luck but the probability is very low and you may get selected in latter phases. Best of luck.
0 Follower 34 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

Your percentile is a bit low to get admission but you may give a try.
0 Follower 319 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

The MAT cut-offs are expected to be around 600. College won't be considering May 2017 MAT score for admission.
0 Follower 149 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

Well, the average cut-offs for PUMBA is above 97 percentile. Better luck next time.
0 Follower 314 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, PUMBA do accepts MAT score and you too deserves a great chance to be selected with this score. Best of luck!
1 Follower 353 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Keshav Sharma

Contributor-Level 8

Yes, you have very good chances. Just score well in your GD/PI.
0 Follower 90 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

The All India cut-off is around 99.23 percentile for PUMBA. So, your percentile do not meet the required criteria.
1 Follower 290 Views

Bazil Aga

Contributor-Level 10

You can apply for PGDM at Welingkar.
0 Follower 53 Views

Sumit Todi

Contributor-Level 9

The cut-offs for CMAT and MAT are above 99 percentile. The last year's cut-off was 99.23 percentile.