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0 Follower 209 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

Last year DTE accepted MAT February scores. DTE decides these things so it will be clear once DTE releases the brochure. With this score it looks very tough.
0 Follower 90 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

As PUMBA doesn't have pgdm,there are no separate forms. The whole process is conducted by DTE and admissions are done by cap rounds itself. Please visit DTE website for more information.
0 Follower 116 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

Shivani,there is no separate application form for PUMBA. Admission to PUMBA is through CAP rounds conducted by DTE , schedule for which will be announced by DTE.
For all India quota, CAT, CMAT, MAT, ATMA these exams are considered. So, it is d
0 Follower 75 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

Yes you can get PUMBA. You only have to score well in MH CET 16. Graduation percentage does not matter while taking admission. For more information about eligibility, please visit DTE website.
0 Follower 47 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

Fees of the college is 1.30 lakh for 2 years and average package is 5.43 lacs p.a.
1 Follower 131 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

You will definitely not get PUMBA at this score. Hard luck, appear for next years exams and work hard. All the best.
0 Follower 79 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

Can you please tell us your category?
If it's general, then may be in the last round you might have a chance. All the best.
0 Follower 20 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

Admission to PUMBA is through DTE process. Everyone will be given a rank as per their marks and admissions are based on that rank directly. There is no GD and PI process.Follow the DTE process , schedule for which will be announced by the DTE.
0 Follower 478 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

You can compare both the colleges by various ranking given in different magazines.
Also being a government autonomous college PUMBA offers you best return on investment (ROI).
You can also visit the campuses and decide yourself by talking studen
0 Follower 28 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

You have to apply through MBA CET conducted by DTE and follow all the steps that are given by them from time to time on there website.
What is your category? Even If its open, you have a fair chance of converting PUMBA.
Thank You