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0 Follower 119 Views

Prachi Beriwal

Contributor-Level 10

Based on previous year's data, the cutoff rank for admission to the CSE Bioinformatics programme at VIT Vellore varies based on the category of the candidate. The cutoff rank also varies from year to year depending on various factors such as t
0 Follower 189 Views

Vishal Kumar

Beginner-Level 5

If your rank of 37000 in VIT can secure you admission to various programs offered at both VIT Vellore and VIT Chennai campuses. However, the availability of seats in specific programs and campuses can vary depending on the demand for each prog
0 Follower 63 Views

Vishal Kumar

Beginner-Level 5

There are a lot of pros and cons of VIT Andhra Pradesh
1. The campus is new and has new classes and hostel rooms.
2. You can have opportunities like managing the events and starting a club in your first or second year as you have no senior
0 Follower 105 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Chances of CSE with specializations can be made in VIT Chennai under categories 5.
0 Follower 9 Views

Mihir Kukreja

Contributor-Level 6

I would like to tell you that YES, there is a particular entrance exam for VIT BBA and that is known as VITBEE( VIT BBA Entrance Examination). Eligibility for scholarship will be based on the score obtained in the VITBEE (VIT BBA Entrance Exam
0 Follower 31 Views

vidhi srivastava

Contributor-Level 8

The Integrated M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization in Business Analytics at Vellore Institute of Technology - Chennai Campus can be a good course for you to pursue if you have a strong interest in computer science, d
0 Follower 20 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

VITEEE 2023 Mock test is available on VITEEE Mock-test 2023 website. You can attempt this after entering your login id and DOB. There is no specific timings for preparation of VITEEE you can set your own timings but spend at least 8-10 hrs. Da
0 Follower 513 Views

Newt Kumar

Beginner-Level 2

VIT VELLORE is best as compared to other campus of VITS.
0 Follower 771 Views

Jitendra Singh

Beginner-Level 5

VIT Chennai offers a B.Tech. programme in Mechatronics Engineering, which is a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering. The cutoff for admission to the Mechatronics Engineering program