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tarun mittal

Contributor-Level 10

Hello Candidate, I hope you are doing well. I am sorry to inform you that based on your rank you had no chance of getting Vit M.Tech programme seat in VIT Vellore campus but if you are interested in VIT Bhopal campus you had a high chance of g
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Sujith Seenivasan

Beginner-Level 5

There are about 7 government college for pharmacy situated in Chennai in which M. C. (Madras medical college), is one of the best and ranked as 20 in government. Colleges.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Better to prefer to continue the B.Com course as you are doing instead of joining VIT, because the first semester is ending in January next year. However, if not satisfied with your present college than can be change in next year. So please be
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Maragoni sai rohan goud

Contributor-Level 9

Students with Commerce or Accounting or Mathematics in Intermediate/ 12th standard with overall 50% can apply and than you can continue your 1st year.
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Pothula Aishwarya

Contributor-Level 7

Admission to VIT is conducted on a merit basis through it's own online entrance exam, called the Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination VITEEE and through management quota also. Nearly 2,00,000 students appear for the
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palak mahajan

Contributor-Level 8

Hey Boomika the cutoff for hons. at VIT Chennai
Marks obtained rank range
118+. 1-250
113-117. 250+500
90-113. 501-2500
81-90. 2501-5000
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dinesh upadhyay I am a lawyer, aspiring manager , education enthu

Scholar-Level 16

Give Merit Scholarship: Any board topper across the country will get 100% scholarship for all the years of the UG degree programme. Tmt. Rajeswari Ammal Merit Scholarship: Any district topper across the country will get 50% scholarship for all
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Deeksha Dixit

Contributor-Level 10

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) conducts the VIT Engineering Entrance Exam VITEEE for admission into the B.Tech programs at the VIT Vellore, VIT Chennai, VIT-Andhra Pradesh, and VIT Bhopal campuses. It has recently declared results for V
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Ashmi Dayal Currently pursuing B.A History hons from DU.

Beginner-Level 5

Alagappa institute of technology, Bharath post graduate college, HITS etc. Are some of the colleges that offer library related courses in Chennai.
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Vinay Khatri

Beginner-Level 5

You have to appear VITEEE and you are good to go for admission in B.Tech at VIT.