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0 Follower 98 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
jyoti goel

Guide-Level 13

Vit is a good university and has high credentials. It has got a good name and prestige. The market must have a good value of the same and also you should be getting a good placement with the vit tag on your degrees
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Abhishek Kumar Mishra currently pursuing Btech;:Mechanical engineer

Contributor-Level 9

According to your rank, you will easily get VIT-Vellore in the 2nd or maximum in the 3rd round. Suppose, if 1% you didn't get Vellore then you will get Chennai easily, but I would suggest you be focused on Vellore and don't try to go with Chen
0 Follower 32 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jayant Gupta I am man of my words and dedicated towards my work

Contributor-Level 8

Yes, of course you can continue your sports after joining in this college, because each and every college wants his students to become good and best in sports, and you can even participate in the various sports competitions or events held in y
0 Follower 34 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shabana Bee

Scholar-Level 17

If you are in the final year of your degree then you can give placement tests. But if you are pass out then you can not do this. Good luck.
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Gagandeep Singh

Contributor-Level 6

Yes you can get admission in Vellore or Chennai. But, you won't get CSE in Vellore, and if you do get it in Chennai, it will in category 4 mostly. You can get courses in Chennai campus like EEE, ECM or Civil.
0 Follower 69 Views

Gagandeep Singh

Contributor-Level 6

Vellore and Chennai have common placements.
Placement record is good, almost everyone gets placed. There are people who go at 18L per annum also. You can find a lot of people going at 8-15L as well. Most people get placed in the 5-8L bracket. M
1 Follower 395 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditya Dwivedi

Contributor-Level 8

Yes, you may get it. CSE would be very tough, but for ECE, you have high chances.
0 Follower 88 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditya Dwivedi

Contributor-Level 8

I don't think so, but if it shows that you are eligible for the counselling, then it depends on the availability of the seats.
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Gagandeep Singh

Contributor-Level 6

You will not get CSE in Vellore or Chennai but may get it in Bhopal. You may get some course but only in category 3 or 4.
1 Follower 193 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditya Dwivedi

Contributor-Level 8

Obviously, your placement process will start in the final year of your course.