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1 Follower 164 Views

Vishal Raghav

Beginner-Level 3

Depends on the college can go as low as 3 ctc and vary as much till have to choose your college very carefully .
0 Follower 130 Views

Vikram Palani

Contributor-Level 7

Dear friend,
I believe they will accept it next year .
Yes they will accept it.
0 Follower 177 Views

Vishal Raghav

Beginner-Level 3

Again doing a MBA from a good college matter.their in house placements are of prime your case since you have already worked you will have good exposure and advantage during placements .
0 Follower 142 Views

Abinaya Palaniappan

Beginner-Level 5

Yes you can. They will not look at your past UG CGPA but a decent percentage of above 60%. So it wont be a big deal for you and regarding your MAT score it is a decent score. Anyways here the assessment process will be with your Written test w
0 Follower 150 Views

Abinaya Palaniappan

Beginner-Level 5

Hey Sathiyaprabu!
Your CAT score is good but they may demand for more. Why don't you try for MAT exams in December or February and get a better score to get into the VIT world. Here your UG marks is not going to do anything with your MBA. They
0 Follower 129 Views

Abinaya Palaniappan

Beginner-Level 5

Hey Ananthi.
Congrats for your MAT Score.
Yes you will. anyways your UG percentage will not affect your admission they will demand for a decent percentage of 60% an above. You may apply for the selection process that may commence by March of 201
0 Follower 218 Views

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Vikash Ravichandran

Contributor-Level 7

Cut off for CAT in VIT is 50 percentile.
0 Follower 283 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
deepika kapoor

Contributor-Level 10

u can check some other colleges bcoz the score is quite low