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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has been rated 4 for faculty as per reviews by students. This represents that Institute has decent, qualified and experienced faculty members.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has been rated 2.7 on placements.
a year ago
What is the eligibility to get admission in Vidyasagar School of Social Work for UG/PG courses?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityMSWCandidate must have passed P.G./Hons./Graduate in Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Anthropology, Commerce and Huma
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityMSWCandidate must have passed P.G./Hons./Graduate in Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Anthropology, Commerce and Human Development or any Hons. Graduate with any one of the above subjects as Pass subject or passed BSW, or LLB.BSWCandidate who have passed higher secondary examination from any Board can pursue this course.
Candidate with a bachelor's degree from any recognized university can apply for this program, preference is given to candidates working in NGOs/Government, departments/industry.PG DiplomaCandidate must have passed Post Graduate/Honours Graduate in Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Human Development, Human Resource Development, Education, a degree in Medical Science, Philosophy, Physiology, Physiology or Anthropology.
Candidate with a bachelor's degree from any recognized university can apply for this program, preference is given to candidates working in NGOs/Government, departments/industry.PG DiplomaCandidate must have passed Post Graduate/Honours Graduate in Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Human Development, Human Resource Development, Education, a degree in Medical Science, Philosophy, Physiology, Physiology or Anthropology.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has courses such as MSW, BSW, PG Diploma which are primarily in the stream of Humanities & Social Sciences.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work is a reputed institute for MSW, BSW, PG Diploma. Students can opt these programs to pursue their career in Humanities & Social Sciences. Institute has trained & experienced faculty who deliver these programs. V
Vidyasagar School of Social Work is a reputed institute for MSW, BSW, PG Diploma. Students can opt these programs to pursue their career in Humanities & Social Sciences. Institute has trained & experienced faculty who deliver these programs. Vidyasagar School of Social Work has a review rating of 3.3 on the basis of reviews by students. In addition to this, it has been rated 3.7 on campuslife, 2.7 on placements, 4 on faculty and 2.8 on Infrastructure.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has been rated 2.8 on Infrastructure parameter.
Institute has a well supported campus with facilities such as Auditorium, Labs, Library. Vidyasagar School of Social Work has also been rated 3.7 for Campuslife.
Institute has a well supported campus with facilities such as Auditorium, Labs, Library. Vidyasagar School of Social Work has also been rated 3.7 for Campuslife.
a year ago
Who are the top recruiters from Vidyasagar School of Social Work when it comes to placements?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Vidyasagar School of Social Work has placed its selected students in known and reputed companies such as Siddharth Technocrats, National Library, Ashoka Buildcon Ltd., Pindfresh, Foodaanza, Mintly.