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0 Follower 68 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you will be able to get a seat in computer science. You will fall in category 2. You have to attend the counselling on the assigned date. I would also suggest you check your emails regularly. You will get detailed information through emai
0 Follower 67 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

Hey Shruti, yes this is a new branch and there are no official details about the number of seats. I would suggest you keep a check on your emails where VIT would send you detailed information regarding the number of seats and categories.
I hop
1 Follower 106 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, VELLORE is way better than Thapar if fee is not an issue. I would recommend you to check the fee structure and placement details.
0 Follower 133 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vibhor Kashyap

Guide-Level 12

Sorry, I don't think you're eligible for VIT. They require a candidate to score at least 70% in +2 in order to be eligible. So, you can't pursue BCA from VIT. But there are many other universities which will get you admission. You can try Chri
0 Follower 91 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

You may contact at following for more details.
International Programmes
Director, International Relations
VIT , Vellore-632 014
Tamil Nadu, India
Contact No. : +91-416-220 2131
For venue of fair/visits refer
0 Follower 25 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
SamaraSimha Reddy Gottam Perfect Answer doesn't Exist!

Guide-Level 15

It's good, except you have quite more work to do within small schedule. Placement wise its's really great as you might get easily placed, companies like Amazon, Microsoft and much more visit campus to recruit students.
The selection process is
2 Followers 2.5k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Beginner-Level 5

BITS, Hyderabad or any other BITS campus is much better than VIT. I am not saying this because I am from BITS, but BITS Pilani has much more value as a private college than VIT. So, if you have a good BITSAT score and you are getting Computer
1 Follower 608 Views

Sahil Rana

Guide-Level 15

Actual cut-off is not declared but first 20K will be called for in next month. But obviously, CSE is the most sought after branch and hence closing rank is very tough. Last year, it was 7000. Best wishes.
0 Follower 22 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
SamaraSimha Reddy Gottam Perfect Answer doesn't Exist!

Guide-Level 15

Go to VIT official website and apply for that course with your 12th score. After sorting out the selected students they will mail you the details. The first day will be mostly on July 15.
2 Followers 540 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
SamaraSimha Reddy Gottam Perfect Answer doesn't Exist!

Guide-Level 15

No, robotics branch is not offered at VIT Vellore campus.