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0 Follower 54 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No. You won't be able to get a seat in VIT. Most of the seats get over around 40k rank. You won't be able to get a seat in any of the campus. I am sorry to break this to you.
0 Follower 24 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No. You won't be able to get any seat in VIT Vellore. Sorry.
0 Follower 121 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No. You won't be able to get any seat in VIT Vellore. Sorry. I hope this helps.
0 Follower 87 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pravin Javheri Process Engineer | Mentor | IIT Bombay

Guide-Level 11

Hi Sreedhar, you have a good rank, but unfortunately it can't get you CSE in VIT, Vellore in category 1/2/3. Management admissions are quite expensive. So, if you are ready to bear that then go with it. I would suggest trying IT or any other c
0 Follower 25 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No. There is no chance to get a seat in any branch in any campus. Sorry to say but you should consider other colleges. I hope this helps.
0 Follower 266 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pravin Javheri Process Engineer | Mentor | IIT Bombay

Guide-Level 11

Hi, you have scored good percentages in your exams. As the percentages exceed 60%, you are eligible for the admission. All the Best!
0 Follower 26 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No. You won't be able to get any seat at this rank in VIT Vellore or Chennai campus. You should try some other college. Hope this helps.
0 Follower 286 Views

Ketan Krishna Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

No, you can get a good stream the only thing is that it would fall in category 2 or 3 that means a bit higher fees.
0 Follower 583 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No. You won't be able to get a seat in VIT. Most of the seats get over around 40k rank. You won't be able to get a seat in any of the campus.
0 Follower 92 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

Yes. The chances are quite low but still you can try. You will have to pay quite a high fee.