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1 Follower 206 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Abhidha Pant I am a student of B.TECH in EC branch

Guide-Level 11

Hello Saurabh,
I will not say much but go for BITS, Hyderabad. Study content is really good there. Practical knowledge + no of opportunities to find the real you.
Placement are nearly same for both the colleges, and it also depends on the indiv
0 Follower 304 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vatsalya Tegwal

Guide-Level 12

1. Computer Science and Engineering 7000 - 15000
2. Information technology 12000-17000
3. Computer Science and engineering. (Specialisation in Bioinformatics)13500-7500
4. Bio Medical Engineering 45000-13000
5. Biotechnology 20000-13500
6. Civil En
0 Follower 109 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

No, VIT as of now does not offer a B.Sc in Environmental Science under their undergraduate program.
1 Follower 155 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

VIT never discloses marks. VIT releases a rank list. The counseling for seats is held based on the ranks and thus marks are never criteria for any admission process. Hope it helps.
0 Follower 22 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

Date correction for VITEEE has been cc=closed on 28th February 2019. As far as I know, there won't be any more dates for correction in form. However, you can get a permission letter signed at the center for any updates. There is a provision fo
0 Follower 25 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

I would request you to be please specify what are you asking. Is it the education fees or the form fees or just residential charges to stay in VIT?
0 Follower 43 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

VIT doesn't offer any scholarship based on VITEEE. If you are an education board topper, you might get a special scholarship but as far as I know, there's no other way to get a scholarship from VITEEE.
0 Follower 58 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

I would request you to check to get detailed answers about all of your queries. VIT keeps on adding more and more courses and details about every course have been updated there.
0 Follower 87 Views

Deepak Nahar

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, you can get admission in Biotechnology stream with PCB course. It won't be an issue for you keeping your branch as a selection criterion.
0 Follower 128 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Pavithra Desu Design Engineer

Guide-Level 13

Yes, VIT, Vellore is one of the most reputed colleges of India and it's placements are also very good.